I originally posted back in June that I acquired a 1967 Scrambler and have not posted since. Sorry for the absence but this is Minnesota and you try to enjoy the summers. Like riding motorcycles instead of working on them :). Anyway it is now winter and I intend to devote much more time to the project. The only thing slowing me down now is I am restricted to the couch for a couple of weeks due to foot surgery.
So to get you caught up on the (little) progress I have made I have decided to start this new thread.
When I received the bike, the engine was seized and it was partially disassembled (as someone attempted to pull the motor) but I was told all parts were there. In and effort to become more familiar with the bike and to take a more reliable inventory, I decide to reassemble the bike instead of continuing the tear down. Well, good news! The only parts I found to be missing are a few assorted side cover screws and one of the "spring" clamps used to seal the intake tubes to the carbs and filters. All parts seem to be there and almost everything appears straight (although a few cracks were found in the sheet metal. I even have all the lights working! Although I am puzzled with the three position switch on the headlight. I seem to have off/off/headlight on. Can someone clear that up for me?
My original plan was to get this into reliable daily runner before deciding to go for an all out restoration. Since I cannot get the motor freed in the frame and since I am looking at a bore kit (minimum) to get it running, I have decided to just go for it. I am currently looking for someone to go thru the motor and do the assembly, I plan on handling the covers/casing rehab, then go ahead with powder coating the frame and redoing the wiring harness, and go from there.
I guess my reasoning is that if I going to have the motor disassembled, I may as well clean up the cases/covers. And if I do that, it wouldn't be right to throw it in to a beat up bike. Does this make sense or am I taking a huge gamble that everything will work out?
One of my first orders of business will be to de-rust the inside of the tank. I have found a lot of useful advise here (the works, sno-bol, etc) which is what I plan to do. I am just wondering if anyone has any ideas on how to seal the cap and petcock openings during the process. Its not so much that I am afraid of damaging the paint, that will have to redone anyway. I just like to be neat about things.
Another task I am concerned about is the wiring harness. Does it make more sense to find a
replacement (OEM or aftermarket) or to just try to replace the aged conduit while methodically replacing all the connectors?
Speaking of purchasing parts (NOS or aftermarket) are there any pearls of wisdom anyone can offer me while shopping for things such as reliable/non-reliable vendors or what parts to try to stay with NOS on such as gaskets, pistons, etc.
Any advice regarding these matters or others will be greatly appreciated.
Sorry if I've rambled but as I said, I'm stuck on the couch for a while.......;-)
Here are a couple of pics of the bike since a reassembled it (Thanks to G-man for attaching tips)