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Starts well and then drowns!

Fuel System: Gas (Petrol) tanks, Carburators
DianneB Member
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Starts well and then drowns!

Post by DianneB » Fri Aug 28, 2015 1:24 pm

Now that I have my '67 Dream starting well, I seem to be running into carb problems. I have been through all the documentation I can find but can't find a setup (adjustment) procedure.

The bike starts good when cold but then starts to sound like it is drowning (WAY rich). It is very sluggish and gets worse when I try to ride it. It quit on me 1/2 mile down the road today and I noticed raw fuel dripping from the left exhaust pipe (where it meets the muffler). Once I was able to get it restarted but the next time, it wouldn't fire up and I had to push it home.

If I leave it sit in the shop with the gas on, it starts very slowly dripping from the bow overflow (even though the carb has been rebuilt).

I can't find any information on setting the main needle (the clip is currently at the very top of the needle) or adjusting the carb (other than the initial 1-1/8 turn on the mixture).

Is there anything out there on the Internet about setting up and/or troubleshooting these carbs?


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G-Man Member
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Re: Starts well and then drowns!

Post by G-Man » Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:23 pm

Sonds like you might want to check out the float valve condition and float height setting first.

Looks like your fuel level in the carb is too high.

Settings details on attached page

DianneB wrote:Now that I have my '67 Dream starting well, I seem to be running into carb problems. I have been through all the documentation I can find but can't find a setup (adjustment) procedure.

The bike starts good when cold but then starts to sound like it is drowning (WAY rich). It is very sluggish and gets worse when I try to ride it. It quit on me 1/2 mile down the road today and I noticed raw fuel dripping from the left exhaust pipe (where it meets the muffler). Once I was able to get it restarted but the next time, it wouldn't fire up and I had to push it home.

If I leave it sit in the shop with the gas on, it starts very slowly dripping from the bow overflow (even though the carb has been rebuilt).

I can't find any information on setting the main needle (the clip is currently at the very top of the needle) or adjusting the carb (other than the initial 1-1/8 turn on the mixture).

Is there anything out there on the Internet about setting up and/or troubleshooting these carbs?

Settings small.jpg
Settings small.jpg (324.24 KiB) Viewed 3470 times
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brewsky Member
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Post by brewsky » Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:08 am

Couple of other possibilities:

Float with pinhole leak...check by dunking in hot water and look for bubbles.

Carb rebuild kit with wrong size jets...should be 120 main / 35 slow. (my keyster kit came with 130 and 40 and was way too rich.

Blocked ldle air passage from inlet of carb to air screw, slow jet etc,

One more...the idle air and idle speed screws will easily interchange when being re-assembled, and actually are mis-labeled in the owners manual.

Properly tuned, the bike should be "hard to start" when cold, requiring full choke and priming first.

The most anti-clockwise switch position allows for starter engagement without fire, to allow priming.
66 dream, 78 cb750k, 02fz1, 09 wing

DianneB Member
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Post by DianneB » Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:06 am

Thanks for the tips guys - I will check those out when I get a chance.

downtoscratch Member
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Post by downtoscratch » Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:06 am

I too went round and round with the same issue. Found the answer on another forum but I'm guessing its mentioned on this forum somewhere in the archives! The brass tube in the float bowl tends to develop a hairline crack and this causes the overflow. Hope this helps. dts

DianneB Member
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Post by DianneB » Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:09 pm

Well, been through the carb again (3 times!) this morning. The jets check out fine (by the table above). I set the float level by the guide and tested it - a bit too high for my liking so adjusted it down a bit.

One thing I am not sure about is the Air Screw and Throttle Stop Screws. One screw has a longer shank, no taper, and a slightly rounded end. The other screw is shorter and has a taper toward the end. I have looked at all the online pictures I can find and some show the screws one way and some the other. Which is the throttle stop and which is the air screw? (I put them back in the way I found them but maybe someone before me had them reversed.)

No matter what I do, it still runs "slobbering rich" but I noticed that with the main needle clip in the 3rd notch (as per the instructions), the slide is all the way down and does not seem to be sitting on the needle. I THINK the clip was in the top notch when I initially took the carb apart to overhaul but I am not sure - that would keep the main jet open (somewhat) even in idle so I will experiment with different notches to make sure the needle closes off the main jet at idle.


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brewsky Member
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Post by brewsky » Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:30 pm

The sceww with the chopped off end is the mix screw and goes in the carb closest to the engine.

The one with the rounded end goes into the slide hole.

I would try using the originial jets and needle if they are not damaged.
66 dream, 78 cb750k, 02fz1, 09 wing

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