I did the valve job and checked the piston fitment and after he assembled the engine I watched the many tune up problems he described.
I also watched the ideas as to what was causing the running problems.
I sent a PM and we got together on the phone (email is to slow) and I asked many questions and his answers told me that all the tune up problems were do to the cams were 1 tooth off no matter how close the alignment looked.
He has adjusted the cam timing and with the electronic ignition has it running.
Some may want to look at the early messages as he described his engine problem and you will see what I saw.
I don't always jump in and reply to things as at times some of you will get to the problem.
Now to tume the carbs!. ............lm
Jlovvorn wrote:Well, it is back together and runs.
It no longer needs full advance on the timing plate, and its not advancing past the two hash marks.
So, it appears it was a tooth off AND we got it back on the right tooth.
It was a tricky business, and if your cam sprocket is sitting just shy of level with the rotor at TDC, then you are going to want to talk to LM about jumping the chain one tooth down on the crankshaft and then trying again.
I am not sure why it works, but it does.
I have some hesitation between idle and 3/4 throttle, but I think I need to move a needle setting or tune some with the air screws.
I think I am making progress. Only time will tell.
I also feel like I know an awful lot about this bike now. I hope I can help someone else with their project. I would hate all this suffering to go to waste!