... kSG20vLjpg
This is used if the roller track on the crank is worn or damaged.
If you cannot get one with the location hole, it is possible to loctite the bearing into just one half of the crank case. Don't do both sides as it makes it difficult to strip the engine, later.
It is also useful, using the ball race, that you have the correct oil routing to the bearing. The roller bearing and ball bearings have different lubrication arrangements.
This is for the ball race...
And this is for the roller bearing.
This special case I found has both types. Falure to get the oil to the correct place will reduce the life of the bearing. Using the ball race bearing in later cases blocks the oil feed but the lube delivery can be changed by dremeling a small groove to reposition the feed.
Kthomas55 wrote:Anyone know where to geta new ball bearing right side crank Main ?