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About ready to start restoration - Engine question

Posts: 7817
Joined: Mon Aug 15, 2005 8:23 am

Post by LOUD MOUSE » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:47 pm

Thanks. ...........lm

outdoors4me wrote:Hmmm.....good question. I plan on fixing/replacing things that don't work like the electric starter, speedo, replacing parts that are missing, repainting, etc.

But some parts like the mufflers I will use reproductions.

So I guess a little of both?


LOUD MOUSE wrote:I have a question.
What type of restore are you planing.
A cosmetic restoration of a actual restoration?. ..............lm
outdoors4me wrote:Hey Randy,

I actually rode her home so the engine/Tranny feels good. The rest of the bike needs a lot of care though.


rrietman wrote:A good plan for any restoration, If possible, is to first get it running and ride it. even if it's just up and down the driveway. this way you will get a feel for the transmission, if the frame is wanky,if the wheels roll straight, does it hang together right. you would amazed at how much you can learn in a few minutes with a running bike versus guessing at stuff later. these bikes are old and have been worked over by many different owners. It's very productive and worth a lot of effort/$ up front.
Good luck

rrietman Member
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Post by rrietman » Fri Jul 21, 2017 12:02 am

you should know going in that there are quite a few parts on the dreams that will absolutely murder your budget. especially if you need to be correct. make a plan before you dismantel it, maybe it's ok as is. sometimes a lot of patina is better than halfway restored.
Good luck

outdoors4me Member
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Post by outdoors4me » Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:39 am

Will do.

rrietman wrote:you should know going in that there are quite a few parts on the dreams that will absolutely murder your budget. especially if you need to be correct. make a plan before you dismantel it, maybe it's ok as is. sometimes a lot of patina is better than halfway restored.
Good luck

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