Rear shock disassemble?Rear shock disassemble?See the picture attached. I have the easy part done. Will these shocks come apart any more? They are very lumpy and each has a unique feel. The bases are quite pitted also. I'd like to rebuild them if I could. Is it worthwhile trying to make a key for the slot?
Well, they do come apart. With nothing else to do but to try I carefully tapped them out. Quite a job. They're threaded but after they were screwed in they were staked. There is no good way to unstake them so you just have to tap hard. Now the seals are proving to be quite difficult to remove. I've hesitated on applying more than moderate force since I believe that they will make a big mess when they do pull out. I'll keep trying.
Years back I ground a socket so it had sharp 1/8 inch wide points and cut the side in a way that it could fit around the shaft. Then I brazed it to a open end wrench that I could after putting the bottom of the shock in a bench vise I could remove the threaded top that is inside the top of the tube. Be sure that the seal is good and not leaking. No reason to waist your time. .........................lm
I experimented with a spare set from a CA77 and found that I could remove the "staking" by drilling the dimple out just enough to get rid of deformation in the outer tube and the threaded closure. Then unscrew with a spanner or a tool like LM described. When I got it out I found the actual seal below the closure was TIGHT and there was nothing to pull it out with. You need to pull the rod out of the tube, but I decided to stop before that. Anybody got to second or third with these girls?
I use a press in a manner that I have the top up and a shaft through the hole and held there in a "U" shaped strap. I then use another shaft through the bolt holes for the bottom bolt and I have one end at a point (use a wood stick) that I can now using the press/ram press on the other end of the shaft in a way that the shaft is pushing down on the shaft which pulls the rod/seal from the top of the tube. I've had seals stuck so hard that the aluminum top comes apart. .........................lm