The valves were adjusted to spec..."but a little on the loose side since they tend to tighten over time".
I'm running Charile's Place e-ignition, with the left firing at LF when at TDC of the intake stroke...then rotate 180 and the right fires at TDC on F.
This isn't mentioned in the FAQ. Float height could be looked at. I've read 22MM or 26.5MM depending on the carbs. Mine have "26" stamped on the side. According to what I've read, those require the 22MM float height...which seems almost impossible to achieve and would require the tang on the float to be bent in the negative direction.
"Carbs have been synched, both by watching the slides and by watching the needle move with the jet removed."
I didn't have most of these adjustments in the FAQ and the reason is that when followed to the letter your tune will be correct.
Read the FAQ then what you sent to the forum. .................lm
scud wrote:lm - can you elaborate? were you referencing my post? I'm not seeing how I'm not following your instructions...other than the fact that I have an e-ignition instead of points.LOUD MOUSE wrote:I see you are not actually using my adjustment technique and I wish you good luck as you pic what you think will work and so far not good. ......lm
Hoosier Tom wrote: ... ight=float
This has Ed's method of setting the floats. It's easy and it works.
I synched the carbs both by watching and feeling the slides. I bottomed out the slides, then turned the slide screws a few turns in. I set the mixture screw to about 1 1/8 to 1 1/4 turns out from bottom. Choke at 3/4 close when starting. I'm definitely off on my float heights.
When reading this post from you: "I have a simple way to set the floats on the CB/CL77 carbs. With the bowls removed and also the main jet I look across the bottoms of the floats and set the float tang to just touch the needle valve at the same time I just see the brass main jet holder. ...................lm"
I think I understand. So I remove the bowls and main jets, in my case, the 135 jets, but leave the brass jet holder screwed into the carb body. At this point, I need to push the floats upward. If the float tang starts pressing the float valve plunger in before I see main jet holder, the my floats are too low. Vise versa, if I can see the main jet holder before the tang stars pushing the plunger in, then my float level is too high.
Am I understanding you correctly. Thanks!