malcolmgb wrote:Top looks die cast with 'HONDA' name in and bottom one sand cast, a friend of mine showed me a collection of them recently, I think he said he had seen 3 different styles, I can check with him for more details if you require.
special bracket ???
I would like to see any other types as I know of only one design. ..............lm
special bracket ???yes please !!!
i am very curious , and want to know if exist any explanation about those parts !!! may be some specials parts for european market , even at this time (1960 to 1967 ) or reinforced for the side-stand ??? the left bracket is very much thicker than the right one !!! thanks a lot , MK cb 72
cb 77 ,c77 ,cl77 velocette thruxton
Anyone ever notice how many swing arm blots are installed from the wrong side compared to how HONDA shows in the parts book?. ........lm