Kick start springKick start springIs there any pre-winding of the spring necessary when re-installing the right cover?
How does one position the kick start pedal correctly? I could not find any instructions in the manual.
Re: Kick start springOn all R/S covers the spring mounts so the end at the special bolt attaches like a "S".
Now what bike?. ................................lm
Sorry LM - CP77 (general export, Canada) virtually same as CB77.
By "special bolt" I assume you mean the one holding the end of the spring. On the bench, looking into the cover the spring looks like an "S" (I don't have it upside down). I was wondering if the spring needs to be pre-wound by turning the spindle as you install the cover. Any punch/reference marks are long gone if there were any.
I see you are in Canada but can you call me on this?
830-895-0654. ......................lm
I tightened the spring inside the R/S cover so that I could align the two gears 0 marks. Once I let go, of course, the spring unwinds. On the outside of the R/S cover, I align the start shaft mark with the kick start lever mark. Now, to install the R/S cover, must I tighten the spring (pre-load), using the kick start lever, so that the inside gears have the 0 aligned (spring under tension) as I fit the R/S cover on the motor? That puts the kick start shaft/lever marks at about 12 o'clock. Thank for your help.