I have a DReam Ca 72 that has a new motor, runs great. After it warms up and I drive it for 20 , 30 minutes and turn it off, it won't start back up again for about 30 minutes. Some suggested
condenser is hot and when cooled it works properly again. Don't believe it is vapor lock or trouble with vent on gas cap. It does not go whoosh when I remove the cap. gas flow looks good.
Any suggestions?
Won't start after a good run. Condenser?
Drive it warm again, then start it so you encounter the problem, take an extra spark plug with you, and then start it and check if it spraks correctly (big blue spark ofcourse)
If yes, then the ignition part is allright, if not, then my bet would be on a faulty ignition coil. If they get hot (heat rises from the engine and warms up the coil(s) ) they give weaker sparks, because of more internal resistance due to the heat. The least you can do is to clean all the contact point from the ignition system (ground from the coils and stuff) , if that still does not work, you need a new ignition coil(s). You can also measure them for internal resistance value's , check the bike's workshop manual for these specs. But bad start when warm (or not al all) , is probably caused by a weak spark, due to a worn ignition coil. (or maybe some dirty wire and ground contacts , clean these anyway to make sure thats not the problem!) Anyway, ride it, and check the spark when the problem occurs. 'Of course I've already taken a very modest position on the monetary system, I do take the position that we should just end the Fed.' - Ron Paul
The coil on this bike isn't above the engine.
It is a good test though. ..........lm