If you need to make money while in school, restoring vintage bikes may not be the easiest way to do it - unless someone pays you to do their bike.
I agree with Graham. Working on vintage bikes is great therapy. Hopefully when you finish your graduate degree you will land a great job and then you will be able to afford some therapy.
Worth restoration? Tearing motor down (photos)Ha! My job will be therapy when I graduate (physical therapy) ;). It's actually good therapy for me now. I spend most days inside in lectures or studying, so I like to get my hands dirty.
I just traded some trail 70 parts for a running cl77 motor yesterday, so I may restore this thing still... There is not a lot of money in it, but the beauty of it is I can do set my own schedule and like doing it. I've averaged $400 each on the 15 or so bikes I've sold this year. These bikes were all single cylinder Hondas. IMHO it's all about buying a complete bike at the right price with relatively good chrome and not farming any labor out . I hAvent dove one of these big bikes yet, so I might be in for a big surprise.