CL72 brake switch springCL72 brake switch springOn a CL72 with the swingarm arm cable mount, where does the switch return spring mount on the upper end? same as the CL77 with a wire thru the cable fitting? or is it used at all?
TIA Randy
Re: CL72 brake switch springA flat sort of washer shaped sort of like a drop of water with a hole at the elongated area and is held in place by the rear break cable receiver and nut.
Parts book here doesn't show it. .................lm
Re: CL72 brake switch springPart # 46517-273-000 $4 from Ohio Cycle. Excellent quality.
In the Honda parts cataloge 250 Model CL72. Published NOV. 1966 Page 53 item #18.
This is what the return spring hooks to at the top or "upper" and this part goes behind the reciever # 43486-273-000 and the lower hooks to the spindle it self. You must also use the correct shorter spring. Tim