The rebirth of a C78 305 Honda DreamI must say, I followed your resto from start to finish, and must congratulate you on a job well done. You show great attention to detail and incredible persistance at getting a job done the right way. The bike looks great. And it's well displayed with all the Coke paraphenalia and gas pumps and things.
I must admit I get a little bit of a giggle from the "rider", though! A nice clean shaven lad like that dressed up like a hooligan! I've got a nice vintage "Honda" windbreaker he'd look right smart in.
I appreciate your kind words and especially the comment on the article about the front suspension. I agree about the dude standing on the bike and you've got me rethinking the whole deal now. Wondering if he would look better in a v-neck sweater Ha! Ha! Actually a few feet away from that guy there's a bid of a Harley display that I've done and there's a gal all dressed up by it in leathers by the display so I didn't want the dude by the Dream to look like a wimp. There's a reason for everything. Thanks ![]()
Well the Harley items I've restored started out only as a joke. I pull a trailer behind my GoldWing and all the local Harley owners are always asking me why I pull a trailer expecting me to say something negative about there rides so I just reply " I pull a trailer because someone has to pick up all the Harley parts on the side of the road" Well for some fun I decided to restore the Items shown in the above picture in the Harley theme and I just tell everyone I did it with all the parts I picked up.
All the Harley riders really like the stuff and although the Honda product will be my choice for a ride I really do like the Harley. I guess it don't matter what you ride as long as you ride. As for a Cafe, Well there's a bit of that in the collection as well. Oh by the way, anyone that's a member of this site is more than welcome to drop by for a visit and a free tour. Two years ago a guy dropped by on his Wing from Upstate New York and he comes back every year now for a ride and a visit. I hope folks don't mind me posting none related Dream stuff on here. If it's a problem I'll delete the images. Just thought it might make it all more interesting seeing the Cafe subject popped up! ![]() ![]()
If it's a problem it isn't with you, it would be with the complainant! KEEP POSTING! Oh and I like Harleys too, I would love to have one some day. But only after I get a CB77!
Piecutter consider it done but the waitress wouldn't be my first choice. I'd go after the gal by the juke box. She looks a bit upset but I think she'll come around. Now there's another gal here but she's a real talker. As a matter of fact I can never get her off the phone! Oh the phone bills! Please don't mention the superman suit. It's to cold up here flying around this time of the year! ![]() ![]()