Why have I lose Center Stand bolts twice?
I was at the hardware store picking up cotter pins for my shoulder bolts and I saw that the store had a selection of hitch bolts, which are basically like shoulder bolts but no threads, all shoulder (if you can visualize). There are holes down the bolt for R-clips. Bolts were thick/strong, and the R-clips were thick too.
Has anyone ever tried using these? I would imagine advantages would be 1. no chance of a nut backing off the bolt and 2. you don't squeeze the stand and frame together by torquing down a nut and bolt, and the center stand might move more freely. I might buy some to experiment. You really need the shoulder bolts. The holes in the kickstand (for the shoulder) are larger than the ones in the frame. The bolts then need to be securely tightened to the frame to prevent ovalling the holes in the frame, which can occur fairly rapidly if the bolts aren't tight. As mentioned before, the shoulder on the bolt should be about 1mm wider than the bosses on each side of the stand, so there should not be any bind. Also, use a good high-pressure chassis grease on the bolts and stand. Regards, Chase