305 oil leak305 oil leakAfter I reassembled a 1964 305 engine in the dream I was restoring, as soon as I put oil in the engine, it began leaking profusely out of the round cover where the oil filter is. I replaced the o-ring with one out of an engine that I know didn't leak but it leaked in this engine too. Then I tried a new o-ring and that didn't work so then I tried rtv plus a new o-ring and it still leaks just as bad. I was thinking that it may be leaking around the three screws that hold it one. Any help would be apprediated.
Thanks, Cole
Re: 305 oil leak2 "O" rings in there. ...........lm
Re: oil leakI'd say if the leak is at the screws ya need to find out how as I've never seen that. ..........lm
Assuming that you have the later type case and cover with the larger access hole, the two o-rings are different. If you use the same 3mm cross section o-rings in both positions, you will have a pronounced oil leak from under the cover. For the outboard position, a 74.5 X 8mm o-ring is required. Regards, Chase