CA 77 top CA 72 bottom
CA77top End CA72 BottomPigeonalley & joeweir1,
I checked LOUDMOUSE's reponse and PM'd him for more info on this situation and hopefully we'll get a response that will shed some light on this. In th meantime I noticed that,somehow, I've put in 2 posts that are almost identical. How do I remove the 1st one? Anybody? Later on, Bill
CA77 top end CA72 bottomOkay, I just got a message from LOUDMOUSE and the head
change will work. The combustion chamber is larger. The cylinders will fit with the top of the crankcase machined out but, the CA72 crankshaft isn't balanced for the 77 top end. Pigeonalley, You might be able to swap out the crankshaft also, I don't know, I didn't think to ask that. Either you could PM LOUDMOUSE about that or I could. Whatever you want to do. This could get quite involved but, if the crankshft can be swapped out, the cost you would be out would be mainly the machining of the top 1/2 of the case, gaskets and maybe rings. What do you think? Later on, Bill