CB77 Color Wiring DiagramCB77 Color Wiring DiagramHere is a color wiring diagram to hopefully help some of us that are electrically challenged.
Thank you all for your contributions to this site. I am a rookie and all of your posts have been great to learn from as I start this project. If you would like a larger copy send me a message and I will e-mail it to you.
Cool JJJake, hope the stutter gets better! (If you really do have a stutter, consider this part a retraction....)
Somebody (well, me, actually) beat you to it http://www.honda305.com/forums/viewtopi ... ng+diagram; but there's nothing like a bit of competitive spirit to get one to up one's game! Seriously, though, thanks for taking the time. And welcome along here! Rgds, Steve I used PhotoShop. I'm still learning obviously. In the past I've used a much simpler program. The last program was novice-friendly and had a ton of tools like PS. I've had fun learning PS, but I need to spend a lot more time with it. I go so long in-between uses that I forget what I learned the last time.
Jason James Jacob. But I've always been called Jake.
Well, JaJaJa, your parents had a (cruel?) SOH, as did mine; my initials are SHE -- you can imagine how that went at grammar (all boys) school! Thank Christ I'm not a Richard with a family name of Head or Balls!
MS Paint is OK for overdrawing, but isn't as flexible as Visio. I don't use PS, but I do regularly use Visio for electrical drawings so I'm quite proficient now. My version isn't any better than yours; just different. I did my first CB copy about a year ago for the forum after a member posted a CB250/350 original colour layout; it was a bit clumsy, as the line weight was way too heavy (looked like the tech author used crayons), but it was so much easier to follow than the CB/CA manuals' monochrome versions. So, like you, I thought my Hondabuddies could benefit from a more refined diagram. Good luck with your project. And we love a Photobucket or Flickr timeline here!