Mystery Hole
upper crankcase hole.Hi Wilf, new boy (I wish) here. I bought a c78 frame with a c77 engine a couple of months ago. Upon cleaning many years worth of accumulated dirt and debris from the upper case l found a hole the same as the one in your case.I thought it might be a drain hole but it is not in the lowest position in the case. One thing is for sure. It looks very much original.The engine number is C77E-110815. I think this is a 1961 engine and it has the breather at the back of the case. I know it is an old thread but just wanted you to know that you are not alone.
Wish me luck with my latest folly. Regards Brian.
Hi Brian, yes, that is a '61 engine nr. Pretty rare too, I'd say. Especially in UK (I see you've removed your geo-location from your avatar!).
Are you a VJMC(UK) member? Dennis Lodge (editor) has a beautifully-restored CB72 with the same '61-series motor. My frame is a '61 CB72 and that came from the UK -- I'm still on the lookout for a correct ['64] frame for my CB. If you're not a member already, then it's worth joining; and the bi-monthly publications are packed with fascinating articles, pictures and info. And watching others' restos is great encouragement! Interesting that yours is a C78; what's your frame nr? I believe it's documented that 78s were later in the production run. Don't forget to add your bike & numbers in the h305 register -- click Survey in the left pane.