Kreem Sealant Removal
I recently got a tank from 305 racer that is pretty nice inside, but I want to coat my tank anyway as a preventive measure.
Who knows how to work with muriatic acid when prepping the tank for Por-15? Could you please give directions in terms of effectiveness/safety? I have a gallon of it in our shop. Thank you!
I have found Muriatic acid to do a decent job on an uncoated tank. It is worthless on a tank that has a sealant like Kreem. Remember that NaHCO3 + HCl --> NaCl + H2O + CO2. So to neutralize a spill or excess you can poor baking soda and it basically creates Carbon Dioxide and salt water. It doesn't bring the Ph to 7 so still be careful. Seal the tank immediately after drying. The fumes are wicked so ventilate, ventilate, ventilate. They really sneak up on you. As well, I'm sure you'll remember from Chemistry to add acid to water and not vice versa.
I used the POR-STRIP which I ordered in a kit. It didn't get everything out so I used MEK (Methyl Ethyl Ketone) with a bunch of nuts and bolts (and slingshot pellets). I picked up the MEK at Ace Hardware. Apparently Kreem ships MEK for cleanup of it's product. I let it soak for over a week, while shaking periodically. I got almost all of it out, except for one spot in the back of the tank, so make sure when you shake it, you use motions to get the bolts in every spot within the tank. There's nothing more annoying than draining everything only to find you missed a few places.
Current restoration: 1962 CB77
Kreem removalI just did a Kreem treatment on my old C200 tank. It was my first crack at it and I would say shoddy job. The instructions on Kreem say to soak the tank with Acetone to disolve Kreem sealant from the tank. Going to try it tonight.