noob!Hey guys! Really pumped to stumble onto this forum, i hope to find lots of useful information on here about my newest toy! This weekend i just bought a 1966 honda dream 305. Its in great condition and I think that once i clean the rust out of the tank and clean the carbs it should fire right up!
I do have a couple of questions if anyone has an answer.... so here goes! Throttle: The throttle on this doesnt seem to snap back after you crank it, is that how they were on this model or should i start tinkering? A friend of mine said that some bikes do that and it makes it easier for long distance riding on the highway etc.... Thoughts? Pipes: Does anyone make modified pipes for this bike? I want it to be as loud as possible ;) And want to explore my options. I am a first time bike owner and am really excited to own such a cool piece of motorcycle history!
Welcome, I am also fairly new here. Inside you will find loads of information that you can use. I still hav'nt been through it all. As far as the throttle goes. Mine was gummed up and dirty at the throttle tube at the handle end of the cable. The slides in the carbs are probably gummed up as well. With everything cleaned and lubed I'm sure it will be back to normal. Get the Bill Sivers Manuals and start browsing here and all your questions will be answered. If you get stumped there are plenty of people here willing to help out. Good luck on your new project.
Here is how I fixed mine with same problemIf you remove the the two screws on the handle bar that holds the throttle on the bar you can remove the grip. You will see a long grove in the handle bar and at the upper most part of that grove is a notch that the cable linkage sit in. If you place the notch on the cable back into the the upper most notch and grease the slide bar that fits into the grib you should be back in business. You may use black electrical tape to hold the small notch in its place. If all seems to already be in place when you remove the grip then the other post may be right as well, gummed up carb. Remove top cap on carb and spray with carb cleaner. Good luck.