hole in muffler related to popping/backfiring?hole in muffler related to popping/backfiring?I've been chasing this elusive backfiring/popping on the left side. It mostly happens when I ease off the throttle. I have reset timing numerous times, gone into the carbs.
All I have left is that maybe the hole in the muffler is causing this. possible? there is just a touch of soot on the left carb slide. I can't find a reason why and its not much so.... I dunno. anyone got any ideas? thx 1 million
Re: hole in muffler related to popping/backfiring?Air screw. ..............lm
ok, so before I turn in I'd like to ask a clarification question. in your tune up instructions you mention slide screws. I am assuming this is what the Honda Diagram refers to as throttle stop screws. if its not then they are the nuts on top of the carbs where the cable goes in? I have these set just so- so that they open and close side by side, together in perfect harmony. Airscrews.... got those out 1-1/4 each. the throttle stop screws or idle screws or possibly what you are calling slide screws? that will bring the idle down- usually does. I measure these with a caliper to get them the same. silly I know I am confused
The screws I refer to as Slide Screws are the one which lift or lower the slides and are on the outside of the carbs and when turned in figuring you did have them out enough to set the cables and have the slides at equal bottom when you checked for Lift at same time adjustment. Air Screw setting is good. To tune the idle speed forget the caliper as the slides must be tuned separately to what the engine needs for either cylinder. Turn both slide screws out then look into the mouth of the carb and turn slide screws in just enough to see the slide raise a 1/32 inch. Start engine and adjust those screws IN/OUT until you have balanced the idle and the engine idles 900/1000 and smooth. ............lm