Ignition switch locationIgnition switch locationCheck out the location of the ignition switch on this CB77 listing:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/1966-Honda-CB/ ... nv&vxp=mtr Never seen this before? 66 dream, 78 cb750k, 02fz1, 09 wing
Re: Ignition switch locationMy recent cl77 had the ignition switch moved to a plate mounted to the handle bar mount. I only wish I had taken a pic of it as I did move it back to the correct location. Oh well, that's hind sight for ya. Rusty
Re: Ignition switch locationLooks like someone did a lot of work on the tank or used one from some other bike?
66 dream, 78 cb750k, 02fz1, 09 wing
Re: Ignition switch locationOops! forgot to attach the pic...
see above 66 dream, 78 cb750k, 02fz1, 09 wing