How do I get the engine case split? Please help.
How do I get the engine case split? Please help.I have the camshaft out, all of the bolts off, the clutch off, etc but I can't get the top and bottom of the case split. My guess is that years of it being together or someone put some gasket seal in there. There is no place to pry it apart and I am afraid to bang on it for fear of it breaking.
Please help!!
Re: How do I get the engine case split? Please help.First be sure ALL the bolts and nuts are removed.
In the middle of the top case are 2 14mm nuts and a bracket. Remove the nuts and bracket then put the nuts back on so they are flush with the top of the studs. Lay the engine on it's side. Get a piece of wood big enough to contact both nuts. Use a heavy hammer and hit the wood HARD until you see the cases separate. Remove the nuts and put the engine on it's top and remove the bottom. ..........lm
Here are some pictures--tell me if I have all the bolts outok, here are some pictures---I have 4 total. When you say the top two bolts are you sayng the ones in picture 4 that hold the bracket for the painted piece that goes over the wiring?
By looking at these pics, can you see anything I missed? Thank you.
Re: Here are some pictures--tell me if I have all the boltsActually now is the time to remove All parts while they are part of the engine and can be removed easier. .......lm