I recently purchased a parts bike to be used to rebuild my old high school CL72. The "new" parts bike, had CL72 3100XX frame but a CL77E 903 engine. Anyone have an idea of where the three digit serial number engine might have come from?
The "new" parts bike can be seen at teknikka.com. My old bucket of rust, CL72 that I plan to rebuild can also be seen at teknikka.com (first picture is me jumping the CL72 in 1967 and about 10 bikes down is the way I found it last year, 42 years after selling it.)
CL77E serial number questionIs that three digit engine fitted with a sand cast top crankcase by any chance?
Honda used to supply replacement top and bottom cases, and side cases too and they were typically sand cast if they were made after the main production run had ceased. I have a sand cast top case. Brand new in Australia that I got from a dealer going out of business a couple of decades ago. So my hypothesis is that it was replacement top case half.