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just bought a CA 160-anyone else out there ?

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Goodysnap Member
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Re: re: CA 160

Post by Goodysnap » Sat Aug 21, 2010 3:41 pm

Mike Mullins wrote:Thanks guys. (Goodysnap, I didnt know you had a CB 160. Is it as nice as the CB 77 you had at the Gilmore show ?
No its not near that pretty yet. Theres a few shots in my Post(Still in one piece) of the 160. I actually aquired them both at the same time, same place. Just did the Superhawk first. Its a complete bike, needs mufflers and air filters. Got it running last year without much trouble. The tank however was very nasty(half full of old gas, rust and crud).The PH electrolysis method worked extremely well as long as your not in a hurry , plus its inexpensive. Hope to bring them both to next years show, but I'm gonna have to get to work when the the weather turns.
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17again Member
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Post by 17again » Sun Sep 05, 2010 7:57 am

I have a '69 CA160, have ridden it in several east coast Moto Giros. Out of 11 it is my favorite bike.

If by generator you mean the left side of the motor, when you take the cover off to look at the rotor to check timing, oil will drip out of there, it is normal. If you run it with the round cover off it will make a mess. Get another cover, cut a hole in it where the indictor mark to set the timing is, and have it one there when running the motor.

Some of the battery manufacturer lists are wrong for the battery. Bear in mind it is a 6 volt! The CB160 and CL160 are 12.

I have an owners manual that I can give you specs from if needed, but not a shop manual.

Nearly everything but the motor are the same as on the more common CA95.

Good Luck.


Mike Mullins Member
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a CA 160

Post by Mike Mullins » Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:46 pm

Indiana is the land of unceasing miracles: I got the CA 160 started. It was actually easy after I figured out that the points weren't opening. I had cleaned out the points and advance mechanism, since it was crudded up solid, and had not properly timed everything when I put it back in. Now for another session cleaning the tank, and checking over the headlight wiring. Bulb is good: I jumperd it off the battery and it lit. Just have to track down a bad connection I think. Taillight and brake light work.
"a free motorcycle is a bottomless hole intended solely for money"
66 CB 77
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douglasahuffman Member
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Post by douglasahuffman » Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:22 am

i just picked up one of these as well. It's in FAR worse shape. I'm probably just going to part it out. I am working on a black bomber restoration that needs funding. If you need any parts let me know. I haven't really taken a good inventory of what I have, just picked up the bike and tossed it in the garage.

Mike Mullins Member
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Indiana, land of unceasing miracles

Post by Mike Mullins » Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:06 pm

Rode the CA 160 today. Got the petcock leaking problems fixed, thanks to a rebuild kit from Classic HOnda. Rerouted the throttle cable to inside the frame (that's where it goes, right ?) so it doesnt kink and stay at full throttle. Finished cleaning the tank (its not great, but it seems to be OK). AND rode it up and down the driveway: would have driven the wife nuts if she had been home. This little bike is a REALLY NEAT RIDE !
(anybody want to buy it ?)
Mike Mullins
"a free motorcycle is a bottomless hole intended solely for money"
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Deceptibong Member
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Post by Deceptibong » Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:39 pm

douglasahuffman wrote:i just picked up one of these as well. It's in FAR worse shape. I'm probably just going to part it out. I am working on a black bomber restoration that needs funding. If you need any parts let me know. I haven't really taken a good inventory of what I have, just picked up the bike and tossed it in the garage.
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Deceptibong Member
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Re: just bought a CA 160-anyone else out there ?

Post by Deceptibong » Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:43 pm

Mike Mullins wrote:Just picked up a 1966 (thats what the title says) CA 160 a friend spotted at a yard sale. Looks to be in "reasonable" shape. Does have the original tool kit ! Got a replacement front fork on evilbay (has a nasty gash in the original) and have poked around in it a bit. Has compression, but no spark. Looks like it would run with some work. (maybe more work than I think.) PO said he rode it twice last year, but its been outside for a while.
Anyone else out there with one of these "baby dreams" ? Need a source of some info on it. Source for manual ? (I see there's a Clymer manual for 160's and other similar models- is it useful ?)
(Mike Mullins-Demotte IN)
Just picked up one myself! Had it most the summer but my bud and I finally got our little shop up and going. It didnt take us long to get it running. I rode it around a bit with the GF. she seems to like it. Id say its good for picnics and trips to the lake. Id be hard to do any serious touring with this thing.

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