turn key = blown fusesuspect cable routes as follows:black from ignition switch y's off to horn; continues to and y's off to ignition coil; continues and y's off to winker relay.
ok...i tested through, and the line is good(fuse no blow) if: 1. lead connected to winker relay on both poles and not to ignition coil. 2. lead connected to winker relay and connected to positive on ignition coil and lead going to condenser is disconnected. 3. all connections to winker and coil connected and points open. fuse blows when points close.
The arching you mention is probably not related to the fuse blowing. Its just the ground path for the points and is arching between the plate and head instead of the contacts while the plate is loose. Try isolating each coil by removing the power side one at a time. I'm assuming it is not shorted w/ 12v disconnected from the coils?Sounds like you might have a internally shorted ignition coil to me.
64' CB77
65' CB160