Guys (this mode of address includes gals too, so just leave it there!), we're all aware that the 247 & 305 alternator (dynamo) is kind of weedy, so I'm working on a simple, low-cost route to improve the charging rate. I'll keep you all posted here, so watch this space over the ensuing days/weeks. It's bloody hot here in Spain right now (40ºC - sorry, we're metric!) and getting more & more humid by the day, so I'm stayin indoors in the aircon as much as possible. I'll work on it as & when I'm not melting!
Keep revving!
Steve Edwards
PS: I'm a Brit, so please help me out when we don't use the same words, thanks.
Improving charging rate
Improving charging rate, cont'd...If anyone can help with some alternator stator coil readings, please read the following request. This could benefit all owners (then again, it could just be a damp squib!). Any help will go a long way and would be much appreciated.
Regards, Steve Edwards Need help order to help others. Anyone out there with a multi-meter and proficient in its use? I need to know the readings of the alternator coils on a C or CA series engine, along with another CB, CP or CYP other than a ’64. If someone could help and I can improve the charge rate. I’ll post the results soon. This is a simple measurement and doesn’t need to be super-accurate, but just a rounded-up reading to the nearest ohm or 2; please disconnect the battery neg cable, preferably from the chassis bolt, first: Method C / CA i) Disconnect the YELLOW & BROWN wires at the rectifier and measure the impedance, with the meter on the OHMS (Ω / resistance) scale, across these two wires; please note the reading. ii) With the ignition OFF measure the impedance, at either the ign switch or its associated coupler block, across the PINK & YELLOW wires (terminals DY & SE in the switch itself); again, please note the reading as above. Method CB / CP / CYP iii) as method C / CA, but with reading ii taken at the lighting switch in the headlamp shell; wire colours should be the same, as should the terminals’ markings. Once I have all the readings for each model I can continue the research to improve these models’ battery charging rates. I could post my idea now, but it would be inaccurate and experimental, and therefore probably unsafe. Please email to me ( or post results. Many thanks.