AHMRA Vintage event at New Jersey Motorsports Park 14-16 JulAHMRA Vintage event at New Jersey Motorsports Park 14-16 JulI had a great day out at this event in New Jersey yesterday. Here are my photos.....
https://www.flickr.com/photos/63154743@ ... 4094353180 G '60 C77 '60 C72 '62 C72 Dream '63 CL72
'61 CB72 '64 CB77 '65 CB160 '66 Matchless 350 '67 CL77 '67 S90 '77 CB400F
I had to drive down from Rochester NY to get there. Afterwards I drove back to White Plains. It was worth it for a great day out, though. G
'60 C77 '60 C72 '62 C72 Dream '63 CL72
'61 CB72 '64 CB77 '65 CB160 '66 Matchless 350 '67 CL77 '67 S90 '77 CB400F