LM is right on again!......Easiest way to separate electrical from other issues'''LOUD MOUSE wrote:Try putting some gas in a hand sprayer, shoot a small amount down the carb throat and try starting it. If the bike starts, runs briefly and dies, it's the carb. If the engine still won't run, it's electricical."
DO THIS FIRST. .....................lm
Nick wrote:I haven't read anywhere in your posts that you properly cleaned the carb. Until you've done so, all bets are off. No shortcuts allowed in the troubleshooting process!
Here's my earlier post on the subject. All steps must be followed.
"There's more to 'cleaning the carb' than simply checking that the jets are clear. The carb must be completely stripped (all jets, floats, needle-jet holder, rubber removed). Then soak in lacquer thinner (not carb cleaner, solvent, etc. -- lacquer thinner! Yes, I know, it's expensive.) for 20 min or so, then blow out with compressed air.
After soaking be sure to give the air-screw orifices a good blast with the air. No got compressed air? Then take your carb while it's still soaking in the thinner down to your local gas station or repair shop, beg then to blast your carb with air right after you pull it out of the thinner. If you tell them it's for a fifty-year-old Honda Dream they'll probably feel so sorry for you that they'll do it for free.
How to check if your pilot circuit is plugged: Once you get the bike running, use the idle screw to set the idle. If it won't idle at low rpm, set the idle a little higher. If turning the air screw has little or no effect on the idle speed, the pilot circuit (low speed circuit) is plugged.
That would also explain the hard starting, as the engine is getting no fuel when starting.
Try putting some gas in a hand sprayer, shoot a small amount down the carb throat and try starting it. If the bike starts, runs briefly and dies, it's the carb. If the engine still won't run, it's electricical."
Remember, no shortcuts! Obsessive personality traits are a must.
You can do the same thing with a shot of carb cleaner (the flammable kind)