ignition wires, points and corresponding cylendars
ignition wires, points and corresponding cylendarsAm I correct in thinking that the right set of points fires the right side cylendar and the left points fire the left cylendar? New top end, timing chain etc. but it will only sputter and then die at the kickstart. Could I have the ignitinos wires backwards?? Ill see what I get if I switch the secondary leads to the opposite side plug.
Re: ignition wires, points and corresponding cylendarsYa may want to tell us where are located by adding that info to your profile.
Take a look in the FAQ (yellow to the left) and go to the Tune Up message and do all that then start your engine. ...........lm
points wires etcthank you for such a quick response. will check out your suggestion - then go ahead and START the bike![/img]