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Type. 1 vs Type 2 wiring harness

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WrenchRust Member
Posts: 146
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Type. 1 vs Type 2 wiring harness

Post by WrenchRust » Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:07 pm

Last November I had my 1964 CP77 stolen from my yard. Yesterday I saw a bike that kinda looked it it could be it on Craigslist. It was a bad picture and the bike looked like it had seen better days but I gave the guy a call and went to look at it. At first I didn't think it was my bike. The carbs were greasy and stained (I had just put on a set of rebuilt by Loud Mouse carbs a couple days before it had been stolen); the front fender was smashed and sanded down; It had an old seat on it and I had mine recovered just a few months before; side covers were missing, etc. But it was a CP so I looked up my VIN. It was my bike. I told them I was going to be taking my bike. If they had a problem with that, I'd be happy to call the cops. They didn't even try to stop me.

Anyway, the bike's in bad shape now. Wiring harness is melted. I am looking at one on eBay. It's listed as a CB77 with winkers (so basically a CP) but how do I know if it'll work on a type 1 or type 2? ... 88&alt=web

I sent the Lister a message but he doesn't know either.

Also, there is now a blackish brown wax melted on the top on my engine, maybe from the coils? Is there wax inside the coils?

WrenchRust Member
Posts: 146
Joined: Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:35 am
Location: Sacramento, CA

Post by WrenchRust » Tue Apr 26, 2016 2:44 pm

I've used the search button and can't seem to find an answer. But my best guess is that it's the same harness, since both coils run off the same wire. And the two wires coming from the points are not part of the harness. But that's just a guess. An I missing something?

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