Contemplating local CB77 Superhawk
Contemplating local CB77 SuperhawkNaturally this is a personal decision, but thought I'd post and see what comments turned up.
I ran across a local '66 Hawk for $1k. I haven't taken a look at her yet but I've seen pics. Supposedly needs tires and a battery but was on the road today. Paint appears to be a lousy red/orange over the original (?) white. Not too bad so far... The thing I like the least are the short aftermarket mufflers. I think it really gives the bike a different look. If it wasn't for those I think the itch would be a lot stronger to pick it up. Orginal looking replacements appear to be big $$. I have to admit some longing for a bike since I'm having some issues with mine (transmission, etc.). Any idea how difficult it would be to unload this guy if i did give in?
Went out and took a look at the bike today. Even took it out for a short ride! Difficult decision for me as I have a '64 that's getting serviced now. Having a bike I can ride immediately is tempting.
When the owner pulled out some supposedly "rusted out" original mufflers I got a lot more interested. They appeared to be mostly dirty with one having a reasonably small rust hole on the bottom center. I assume this could be fixed relatively easily?
If it were me I'd just clean them up and run them- I am thinking that if they were on the bike when you got it, you probably wouldn't give them a second thought other than to cosmetically clean them. I don't think you'd notice a big difference cleaning the guts. If there is a lot of crud in the baffles you could pull those and clean them but a good long ride will clear them out too. As for stopping the rust from spreading, not sure the best approach... Anyone else have an answer? My .02 With a set like that, I usually weld up the holes and give it coat of Hi-temp silver on the affected area. It's always on the bottom, back side, so it's not like anyone ever sees it but me anyway. As far as keeping it from spreading, just keep it garaged and dry, and washing with the hose to a minimum.