Just a thought: have you checked/lubed the throttle cables and the assembly the the handlebar ? (this is a shot in the dark, but been there once. If bike hasnt run for a long time could be a possibility.)
My barn find is running but I have some issues...
I posted this in my thread above "Is a battery necessary for proper running?" but I want to repeat it here too in case it might help somebody.
These bikes will start and idle off a jump but will not run more than a few minutes without a battery. I had no idea the bike had an alternator and didn't really see it mentioned in hours of research on this board. I still have a right side carb slide that wants to creep up. I can reach in the carb throat and push it down but it creeps back up when I let go. Had a blast running the back roads today on my first test drive. It's back after a 33 year nap.Yeehaa !!!