can anyone tell me what helmet this is?can anyone tell me what helmet this is?so im trying to get this helmet but dont know where to get it. not looking for the same color scheme just how its between a bucket and a half. how it just barely covers the ears and still has the nice leather ear and chin straps.
JPHelmet has something similar called the Crown series: I bought a Land Pilot from them a while back and it's a really nicely made helmet HOWEVER he claims they're made in Japan but I suspect China. And the DOT sticker on the helmet ain't foolin' anybody. Do some research and see what other people think...
Re: can anyone tell me what helmet this is?I'd bet that's an old British '60s 'Stadium' Project-series. Stadium, along with Everoak, were one of the earliest manufacturers to get ACU (Auto Cycle Union) approval and were worn by competitors at the Isle of Man TT. Leave you to search further....
I'd say it's either an Everoak or a Buco, and the goggles look like Halcyon Mark 9's. They are making 'new' Everoaks, but the prices are silly ($450 or so), plus they are really 'classic' helmets -- meaning, cork padding and definitely not DOT.
If you want a SERIOUSLY crazy helmet, check these puppies out Word has it that they're somewhere in the $ 900.00 range.