Speedo Foam in HeadlightWell it's hard to tell really, I dont' know a lot about adhesives, the permantex weather sealant stuff would prob be good to seal the foam to the speedo to keep away moisture, but I'd need the right glue to affix the speedo to the metal ring, something with a strong bond that you could separate if you needed to service the speedo again.
Thanks Davo, what time will you be around? I may not have the time and may end up buying my own tube as I'm sure it'll come in handy elsewhere too.
I also think I need to shorten my speedo cable, as the speedo pin wavers a little bit. Foreign Speedo recommended grinding the end of the cable down, is there risk of the cable fraying and being ruined by doing this? Does anyone know the correct length the cable should come out from the housing? Thanks.