by Seadog » Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:38 pm
When I brought my '64 CA77 basket case home, the right rear shock was not mounted. Since a acorn nut was missing, I wasn't able to re-mount it until a replacement arrived on Friday. I went to put it together this afternoon and found that the first couple of threads on the inside of the swing arm mounting tab were bent. I was only able to catch a couple of threads and the bolt is at an angle (see pic.1). Notice the slight bulge in the tab just below the bolt where the mounting tab metal is bent. When I reversed the bolt and threaded it into the hole from the outside, it was straight and stopped at the damaged threads on the inside (see pic. 2). I could feel the end of the bolt with my finger.
What to do?
My options seem to be limited. I can buy another swing arm or I could buy a tap and try to re-cut the damaged threads by running the tap from the outside of the tab inward. I could deal with the bulged metal on the inside of the tab with a file first.
If I decide to buy a used swing arm, are all years the same, or are there differences I have to know about?
If I re-tap the hole, could someone tell me the proper thread size for the tap? I've looked at parts lists to find the bolt and can find the part number (90107-250-000), but no description.
Your help and opinions, please. Thanks
I solved the problem by filing the bulge and re-tapping the hole. The shock is installed.
- Shock2.jpg (161.89 KiB) Viewed 1335 times
- Shock1.jpg (174.69 KiB) Viewed 1335 times