Header pipesHeader pipesCurious about header pipes now... The ones on the bike ('64 CB77) were I believe original and were pretty rusty and dinged up. I bought a better looking used set on ebay some time ago and just got around to installing the exhaust. They didn't fit just right, and when compared to the originals, there were two differences - the ones I bought have a double wall at the engine end, and are bent slightly less severely at the engine. They also angle up about 5-degrees at the muffler end instead of parallel to the ground. I'll probably just tweek em and move on, but what's the story on these???
Any insight appreciated! Chuck
The original pipes were double walled. All of the aftermarket replacements are just single unfortunately.
The best I can tell from doing a lot of ebay shopping is that there are two versions with the bend towards the engine being the difference. Some have a flatter section and then a sharp bend before the engine and other have a nice long swoop. I'm not sure if the difference is due to a change among year models or if one style is actually from a CA or other honda and often gets swapped back and forth. I'm sure some of the more experienced guys will know about that.
Over the years I've seen at least 4 different bends and some single wall headers issued by HONDA for the CB72/77 bikes. .............lm