Thanks guys. This is turning into quite the project. Every time I make progress in one area, another issue pops up. Don’t get me wrong, this will be a fun challenge for a while. Lots of opportunity to get my hands dirty.
Search found 7 matches
How to tell the year of a CA77I am looking for some assistance within the forum and am confident that someone out there can tell me what year my CA77/CA78 is. The engine has VIN# CA77E-1022852 and the frame has CA78-1022744. It may be possible that the engine was replaced but I have no clue and the previous owner is unaware as w...
how to tell the correct model?how can u tell the correct model/year of these older bikes? I just took possession of a honda dream 305 that says ca77 on the engine and ca78 on the frame. any help wuld be appreciated. curt
can't find the key for a ca78I just became a new owner of a ca78 but the previous owner can't find the ignition key. any idea where I might find a replacement or entire ignition assembly? thanks Curt.
tiresAny chance you could post the link again? I just came into possession of a CA78 and it is in dire need of tires. Thanks, Curt.