Search found 13 matches
4.5 months later I figured it out, well, Loud Mouse did!After a few conversations with Mr. Moore the last time I called him we had a near 45 minute conversation about his days of racing and working on these engines. Some gems of a story were in there.... After a while he suddenly stops and asks, "do you have overflow hoses coming off the nipples on the b...
Drives ya buggin mad doesn't it? Just got to shop, going through points, possible shorts etc and if I can't find anything, I'll just get a new set of points and go from there. Good luck with yours, I'll update as well. Arrived to a nice puddle of gas on floor too which reminds me I didn't put washer...
Also, check that the surfaces are perfectly flat! You can check on a verifiable flat surface to see if all surfaces on head and jug are in contact with no derivations. I put together a CL77 last year that was out of spec and for $30 a machine shop milled the surfaces for me to make sure they were to...
Update, as it's stopped raining. Trimmed left plug wire, plenty of wire exposed and reattached and same shit. Then switched leads and green and yellow wires and blamo! The right side was cutting out now. So it's electrical which is progress, thought I'd lost that lovin' feeling when it comes to my c...
I once had a Yama XS 650 that had a cylinder that only sprang to life when I'd really hammer the throttle, a little different than my problem here Billiam, but yours reminds me of that. Turns out that was a hairline crack in the red insulator between the carb and the head, so only intense suction fr...