I have noticed a similar leak on my CB77. It appears to be coming from one of the two rectangular drain/vent holes on the right underside very close to the right exhaust pipe. It does quit after a day or so but it ain't getting any better either! Did you figure yours out yet?
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Just to be clear, the floats themselves are not Keyster replacements. I guess I don't understand what it means for the float needle valve to be depressed at measurement since it was barely touching. As I mentioned, I had to lay them that way for the pictures but the Keyster needle valve/spring did n...
float pic #2Float measurement pic
float picsFloat adjustment pic #1
Tentative success!OK where were we? The floats are air tight. Was reluctant to set the float depths to 7/8” (am currently at 1”) because I thought it would only make the leaks worse. So I set a straight edge across the main jet holder and adjusted the floats to just below it - much like the sighting process. This gav...
Well no sloshing gas in the float which is a bummer. Think I'll check with a local vintage repair guy to make sure I'm measuring correctly and that the gasket seat seat/seal look good. Then I'm gonna put it back together and see what happens. Maybe there was some crap at the needle and I flushed it ...