Search found 16 matches
SuccessAll the left side needed was a valve adjustment! Thanks guys
NopeNo that's what I'm aboUt to check. It's .004 gap right ?
Checked CompressionSo the left piston is holding at under 60 psi. Not looking good. But i guess I am looking for any tips hints or tricks for this terrible news.
Shifter replacement?I need a new shift lever for my cb77. Can't find one on eBay at the moment but I'm also looking for maybe something aftermarket or different. Let me know/see what you cb guys have
Loud noise from crankSo just finished putting new points on and timed them correctly. Having trouble with firing it up but did get it to run for about 30 seconds and finally on both cylinders. But now it won't fire up and run and when I kick it there is a loud clank when it fires and stops. Any ideas or similar situatio...
Left cylinder late to fire then blows blackmy cb77 is almost fully finished. Now I have it running but I noticed that the left cylinder is not firing when first starting then when it does it is blowing black smoke. I checked spark plugs and left side was caked in carbon. I timed the points to what my clymber says and still the same problem. ...
Air filter replacementhas anyone found a replacement filter that actually fits? I dont really want to rock pods and I don't want to pay for a set of nos Honda filters