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Ok- so I have replaced all jets with original sizes that are OEM. I have put the needle clip to the second position form the bottom. Floats are set to just see the main jet holder across the bottom of the of the float. The bike seems to accelerate fine in 1st gear. In second, boggs down and has no p...
1967 cb77 correct parts checklistlooking for some confirmation or if anything i mention is a red flag. where do i buy OEM jets and needles? here are the parts for my cb77 PW26 left side carb are these correct? note: same setup on right EXCEPT the slide is a K2.0 PW26R carb slide: K2.0 PW26L convex part toward air filters. needle: K...
what is this?66 cb77
what is this bolt? i don't remember where it came from.