CB77 handlebar
CB77 handlebarBelow is a photo of the handlebar on my 1966 CB77. As you can see, it's not correct - it has the enlarged portion between the clamps. The enlarged portion interferes with the steering damper knob, both vertically and horizontally. I could theoretically machine the handlebar and/or the knob, but I'd rather not.
I like the amount of rise of the bar, but I don't know if it's correct - and I'm not a real stickler on things like this. I see handlebars on ebay supposedly for CB77, but they have the horizontal cross bar, which I think is for the CL, not the CB - am I right on this? Any thoughts on a handlebar similar to the one in the photo below, but without the enlarged portion in the middle? I don't mind if I have to re-chrome on old bar, or even buy a new black bar and chrome it. In fact, I've seen a reasonable looking black bar on ebay, but have no idea if the quality is any good. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Motorcycle-Hand ... rw&vxp=mtr
I have had similar bars on and off my CB77 for years. I think they came off a 160cc Honda, CB160 maybe. The steering damper was removed as it was never used and the current mileage is 140,000 miles. Never missed it. If you want to fit one use it for decorative puposes only. Fit and leave it alone.
Leon. one owner 1965 CB77.
Interesting idea - I might do this.
I'm considering a similar approach for the kick starter. The crankcase side cover is badly cracked, as many of them are. I'm planning to do a cosmetic repair on the crack, then install the visible parts of the kick starter, but leave out the internals, to protect the cracked area. Try CB750 bars. I have them on my CA77. For it I had to cut the slot for the throttle. Close to the same width and bends as the original.
As far as the kick starter, you need the spring load on the transmission shaft to keep it in position or you can get the ratcheting noise when engine is running. 63 CA78