ApexcycleI just received my seat from Apexcycle (eBay seller with mixed reviews). The item was quite satisfactory. It was shipped promptly and packaged professionally. Although it IS an Asian seat of less than stellar quality, it's good enough for who it's for and the purpose intended.
The reason I'm posting is because this seller has had some unhappy customers here and elsewhere, and I was very tentative making the purchase. Happily, all is well and I need to give credit where due. I'll leave positive f/b. Dana
1966/7 CB-77 Red of course 1976 CB-550F (project over-budget and under-funded) 1985 GS-450S (Land Speed Racer)
Apex cycleI've also dealt with Apex Cycle a couple times and have no complaints what so ever; I'm grateful for the parts he provides.
1964 CA95 and 1965 CA100, done and ridden
1967 CL77, completely appart for restoration 1970 CL90, 1973 CT90, 1965 CA110 awaiting restoration Apex cycleUnhappy customer here - I made an order on their site. Payment went through and I've yet to hear from them again. No order confirmation, no response with multiple attempts made. Been a few weeks now... Looks like they ripped me off.
apexIf you bought your item through ebay contact file a dispute with them before 45 days.
If you paid with a credit card contact the cc company and ask for a chargeback. Be prepared for a lot of foul language and name calling.
apex cyclemattjne - did you ever hear anything back from Apex? I ordered a speedo cable from them last week, and after a week of no response I thought "maybe I should check the forum".
Re: apex cycleI had to file a complaint with paypal and wait however long they require. I got a refund from Paypal. Won't mess with Apex again I get a little tired of the bad mouthing of Tom here. I've known him as a friend for many years and have done a lot of busines with him. he can be a little cranky. his parts are what they are. they are NOT misrepresented. It's a tough business with slim margins. give him a break and don't expect the world at his bargain prices.