Any interest in race seat replicas?
I tried to make the large bracket resemble the original as best as possible. It has the angled plates welded to the back for support and the nuts are welded in place as well. The steel is a bit thicker than stock so it should be more rigid. The smaller bracket was altered from the original design mainly due to the fact that it's not being welded onto a steel pan. The rear foot was extended to provide a larger point of contact with the fiberglass and reduce the stress in that area. The side foot is very limited on size because of the proximity to the wall of the pan but I had two holes drilled to provide either a mounting point for screws or at the very least an area for some epoxy to grab hold of.
I should have something this week in my hands (hopefully). My fiberglass guy sent me pictures of the updated mold on my phone. He's tweaked everything for the better which should yield a much nicer part once the pan is pulled. I haven't spoken with him since Wednesday though and no progress was probably made this weekend due to the holiday.