Any interest in race seat replicas?
I was about to email you about that. Thanks. BTW, I'm assuming the seat I have was originally too short for your bike? I just dropped the seat with my fiberglass guy yesterday. I should have a mold and first prototype by next weekend. We're using a course woven high strength fiberglass that should make for a tough seat. I just have to run some measurements after I get it back, dance on it a few times to make sure it holds up, and we'll be good to roll.
Just so we have a hard point of measurement, can you measure from the center of the front peg to the rear edge of the frame? If it's like mine, it should be around 15.25" give or take a bit for bangs, dents, and welding leftovers. From the measurement you posted earlier, I think it should be the same. S2000Eric mentioned he was going to post his up as well.
I was measuring from center to center, so I am sure its the same as y'alls.
Thanks Tom. I think everyone that was interested in a seat is running the 62+ setup by the looks of it. I'll probably only make the seat pans for those bikes unless someone is interested in a 61 style.