WANTED: CB77 SpeedometerWANTED: CB77 SpeedometerI have a 1962 CB77 with a speedo that's toast. I'm positive about the compatibility, but I'm pretty sure as long as the needles sweep in opposite directions. I'll pay a fair price, and must be in working condition. Thank you!
Current restoration: 1962 CB77
http://www.flickr.com/photos/1962_cb77_restore/ Hi Scott
Do you know what's wrong with it? I have a couple that may be in better (working) condition than yours. If you cannot get a good one I would be prepared to do a swap with you. I'll be back in the US at the end of Jan. G '60 C77 '60 C72 '62 C72 Dream '63 CL72
'61 CB72 '64 CB77 '65 CB160 '66 Matchless 350 '67 CL77 '67 S90 '77 CB400F I suspect the gear's internal lubrication has worn out. I get high pitched whining noises while the needles bounce all over the place. Cables have been replaced and properly lubed before screwing into the instrument.
There's a few places that can fix it, but they suspect a 30 day, $250+ turn around. Mine looks pretty nice (not mine in the photo above), but looks will only get you so far. Need a working one ; )
Current restoration: 1962 CB77
Re: WANTED: CB77 SpeedometerI have one that's serviceable & working (for now), Scott. You can have it with my compliments as a token of my thanks for your package-forwarding services(!). At least that'll give you time to get yours serviced or until a pretty one crops up on eBay. I'll test it before I ship it. PM me which address you wish me to send to. Re: WANTED: CB77 SpeedometerThanks Steve, that'd be truly wonderful. I'll be able to finally tune the bike with a working tach while my original gets fixed.
Current restoration: 1962 CB77
flakey speedoHey Spargett,
Reading your post tonight made me think of my wackey speedo a few years ago. Just got the bike, gotter running, but the speedo would whine like crazy, and the needle would be all over the dial no matter what speed. Found out by trial and error, but a few drops of 30wt up into the connection point on the bottom took care of the whine and the needle trouble. The hassle now is taking it off to invert it, but maybe you'll get lucky if you haven't tried this yet. Mike