Access cover missing on a '66Access cover missing on a '66I was noticing that other Dreams have a what seems to be a clutch cable access on the engine side cover. My '66 doesn't have one - any one know why this was changed?
side coverI might have one if you decide to replace it.
Clutch cableHi byrdman76!
I have a doubt in your dream clutch cable. I would like to know, why did you put the clutch cable outside the fuel tank, because in my c77 n c72 i put them inside. I know in ca95 to replace a clutch cable, you had an access, a case (left side), that made the clutch cable replacement easier, without disassembling the side cover. By the way, if you guys had a picture of the old arly CA models with the clutch cable coming through right side cover, just to see. Thanks, Albano Martins