engine build - slowly but surely
tank mnts:
I set the frame on the mill and milled a key behind the steering neck; this accepts the stationary post which stays the damper arm. the post was made in three pcs, so as to make mounting easier, as well as being able to "tune" in the appropriate height and clearances. This post had to clear the tank and the upper clamp as the triples were moved their full stop-to-stop range.
The key is centered with the upper race, and is straight with the frame back bone.
I made a mount for the damper, which used the 8mm handlebar clamp holes, and fit this to the upper clamp; the damper arm, on the underside of the damper, has a bored hole which located on the upper clamp plug, then bolted down to the damper mount. The damper arm also fits in the slot on the fame-mounted post. With the arm stationary to the frame, the damper moves with the forks, and hydraulic resistance is used to dampen movement, rather than friction on the OEM system. The red knob adjusts resistance.