noisy top endnoisy top endI was just wondering what would cause my CB77 to make a slight clanking in the top end. I've properly adjusted the cam chain tensioner. Could it possibley be that the valve rocker pins are not all the way in. Anybody know what a good clearance is when putting them in. I know that the oil passages are supposed to be in a proper place but how far do you put them in. If you put them in to far they bind up and not enough they seem to loose. The noise isn't super loud just enough to notice. When I accelerate it seems to go away. Maybe it's normal? Ive never driven another superhawk besides mine. Thank for the help in advance, Dizcod
Noisy top endThe cylinder studs run through a grove in the rocker pins. there really is no way for them to be adjusted in or out. Have you done a valve adjustment? If and when you do, be sure to rotate crank 360 degrees back to T mark, and recheck clearances. These motors do tend to be noisey.